Monday, May 11, 2009

My future

Hi everybody! Well this time I'm going to talk about my ideal future
First of all and in relation to my professional life I would like to finish my career. If it is possible I hope to travel in order to get a postgraduate degree. I really haven't think much about the place I would like to go. Maybe I will travel just for distraction or to learn a new language , I have always wanted to learn how to speak french, maybe I'll do it before I finish the career or after. The point is that I would like to travel somewhere.
Regarding to my personal life it would great if I can live on my own or have a job and earn enough money to help my parents and save the rest. I hope to work in a nice place and have a kind boss and partners. I would not like to be in a place where I must be all the time in an office. If that were the case I hope it don`t last.

See you soon!

The best in my area

Hi classmates! Well this task is not very easy for me because I don't know who is the best in my field. I can't say that I like some anthropologist's ideas very much in order to choose him/her as my favourite.
I will choose Claude Lévi-Strauss because I have heard about him and also because his theory is one of the most important ones in anthropology. It has impacted other areas of knowledge.
Claude Lévi Strauss (1908-) is a french anthropology and founder of structuralism, a theory that postulates that despite the differences between cultures there are similar patterns that can be identified. Lévi Strauss based in linguistic methods in order to create his theory. I can't say much about structuralism because I don know much about it.I hope next years I can explain it better. Some of his books are: Structural Anthropology (1958), The Savage Mind (1966) and Tristes Tropiques (1955).

See you soon!
