Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A country I would like to tourist

The country that I would like to visit is Jordan. It is an Arab country located in southwest Asia. The truth is that I don’t know much about the country but I can tell more about one of its cities: Petra. A few years ago I saw a documentary and I was amazed. Since then I told myself that once in my life I hope to travel there.

Petra was the ancient capital of the Nabateans, semitic people. The city is a great architectonic site which has different buildings such as: temples, monasteries or churches carved into solid rocks. By the way, the word Petra means in latin stone. Researchers don’t know how nabatean people named the city but for the outside world the city was known as Petra. If you watch a video or see a lot of pictures the obvious question that come to your mind is how people could build something so marvellous. The same reaction should happen when you visit Machu Picchu or Taj Mahal. That`s why Petra was declared one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2007.

Finally in relation to what would I like to work or study there I am not sure. Maybe if I study archaeology it would be great if I can work there. Of course that sounds utopian but who knows…

Monday, June 15, 2009

Last Session

Hello! This is the last post, and the assigment is to write about how my experience of writing a blog has been. First of all I have to admit that at the beggining I was not very excited, because I had never had a blog of my own, and I was not accustomed to write in other people's blog( I still don't do it very often but I think more than before). But as days went by I started to realize that it was not so difficult and it was very useful. Of course there had been days in which I was not in the mood or I obviously wanted to go home, but in general it has been a good experience.
In relation to the things that I have learned I think that I have improved specially in grammar and vocabulary. Every time I have had a doubt about a word or how to write something I have asked the teacher for help and I think that has been useful.
Another possitive aspect, regarding to my classmates, is that by using the blog I have had the opportunity to read about them and have fun about her or his different stories.
In terms of the post the one I liked the most was number 8: the video activity. As a suggetion I think that students should do more activities that complement listening and writing. Besides the video was very interested.
Finally, some topics I would suggest are: music (for example write about your favourite song or band), cinema (write about a movie) or a book =).

That's all, see you soon!

Monday, June 8, 2009

My Ideal Job

Hi! As I have said in other posts I would like to be a social anthropologist and one of the areas that I'm very interested in is medical anthropology, so I would like to work on something related to health. Helping people to have a better medical attention, more human is something that I would like to do in my job, but also I wouldn't be happy if I had to work all the time in an office and like a dog. That would be awful! It would be interesting if I could work on other areas of anthropology, for example something related to music, cinema or arts.
With regard to skills I think that first of all I would have to know about the subfield on which I were going to work and second ,and most important, to get along with people.
I would be good at my job because I would be interested in whatever I were doing, that's a very important thing, because if you are doing something that you like, you feel and act in a better way.
Finally and in relation to the difficulty to find a job I know that depends on you social skills and your achievements so It would be good if I could develop those aspects.

That's all...


Monday, June 1, 2009

Talk Review

Hello! Today I'm going to talk about a lecture called: "Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity".

First of all I would like to say that I like very much the video, is very interesting. I agree with him on all the things that he said. Some of the main ideas that I wrote about the lecture and that I think they are very important:

a) "If you are not prepare to be wrong you will never come with anything original". I think this is absolutely true, we are afraid to be wrong. If we make a mistake we are stigmatized, but this should not be like that, we have the right to be wrong in order to express our ideas, feelings, specially when children are starting their education.

b) In every educational system on earth matemathics and languages are on the top and arts at the bottom. Dance is not considered as music or arts.
I think that how to move your body is as important as learning english or maths. It helps you to develop your personality, for example a class of acting would be very useful. The prejudice is clearly reflected on our educational system. Sports and arts are usually considered as minor subjects in relation with chemestry or biology, for example. If you are going to study music or arts you won't earn money, therefore you have to study medicine or engineer.

c) "Our only hope to the future is to adopt a new concepcion of human ecology". I think that the example about insects and human beings is great. We have to change the way we think in order to have a better world and the children education is essential with regard to this matter.

In conclusion educational system should encourage creativy instead of undermine it. Another contribution to educational system could be the more interaction between teachers and students, in my opinion a class should be more as a dialog betweeen the agents rather than a lecture.

That's all I can say about the video, we should do more activities like this one.


My Favourite Subject

Hi everyone! Well, until now, my favourite subject is "Anthropology I". It is taught by Daniel Quiroz and also by his assistant Ignacio Sandoval, who is in his forth year. Although they set us a number of tasks: essays, a semestral assignment, a lot of reading, etc. I like it very much because I think that I have learnt a lot, for example about the history of anthropology, different theories,  and also about practical stuffs such as:  how to write an essay, how is fieldwork or how is to make an interview. Another reason why I like "Anthropology I" is because the professor makes the class very pleasant. As he said in the first class the aim of the subjetc is to "get attached to anthropology" ( I don't know if he used those exact words, but that was the main idea), and from my point of view he, with Ignacio's help, have achieved that objective. I hope I learn more during the semester.

See you...bye! 

Monday, May 11, 2009

My future

Hi everybody! Well this time I'm going to talk about my ideal future
First of all and in relation to my professional life I would like to finish my career. If it is possible I hope to travel in order to get a postgraduate degree. I really haven't think much about the place I would like to go. Maybe I will travel just for distraction or to learn a new language , I have always wanted to learn how to speak french, maybe I'll do it before I finish the career or after. The point is that I would like to travel somewhere.
Regarding to my personal life it would great if I can live on my own or have a job and earn enough money to help my parents and save the rest. I hope to work in a nice place and have a kind boss and partners. I would not like to be in a place where I must be all the time in an office. If that were the case I hope it don`t last.

See you soon!

The best in my area

Hi classmates! Well this task is not very easy for me because I don't know who is the best in my field. I can't say that I like some anthropologist's ideas very much in order to choose him/her as my favourite.
I will choose Claude Lévi-Strauss because I have heard about him and also because his theory is one of the most important ones in anthropology. It has impacted other areas of knowledge.
Claude Lévi Strauss (1908-) is a french anthropology and founder of structuralism, a theory that postulates that despite the differences between cultures there are similar patterns that can be identified. Lévi Strauss based in linguistic methods in order to create his theory. I can't say much about structuralism because I don know much about it.I hope next years I can explain it better. Some of his books are: Structural Anthropology (1958), The Savage Mind (1966) and Tristes Tropiques (1955).

See you soon!
